Dreams do come true! Business is off and running thanks to all the blueberry customers that stop by after their trip from the berry patch. The farm down the street is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday so I see my be$t days and foot traffic then. Even have started to recognize a few repeat customers! I must say its starting to feel official :)

The edible herb bouquets are selling like hotcakes. Who wants to buy limp soggy leaves from the supermarket when you can have this deliciously fragrant 3-basil centerpiece on the table fresh from the farm? Yum, the scent will fill a whole house.

Peak of the season with Rows overflowing with every color of zinnia.

Just grab a mason jar and some scissors to create your own casual arrangement. You are never alone in the garden either....August heat has Butterfly season is in full swing -

Good luck trying to take a picture of these beauties without a zoom lens though. As soon as you get close enough...they're off and flying -

So many flowers, so little time! Like to think I'm doing my part to help feed the starving butterflies.

Speaking of not being alone, had this feeling like I was being watched and bumped into this critter cruisin' the basil patch tonight. Almost human-like way of swiveling its head with the huge bug eyes checking you out. Half expected it to smile and say "Hey, whats going on?' Creepy cool. Aliens do exist!

Note to self - more queen's annes lace next year. Some to share with the caterpillars, more to cut. It adds elegance and lacy touch to arrangements and adds more of these:

While not as large or colorful, these brown skippers are so numerous they are darn-right aggressive. They will bump into you in the fields and chase you down if you have a flower in your hand.

The girls have been working hard mingling and hamming it up with all the customers. Egg production has been alittle slower in this heat though, demand is up and still in backorders. They crushed a much deserved watermelon treat in a matter of seconds tonight. Need more chickens, cannot keep these eggs in stock!

Feeling a Rent-A-Chick order coming very soon....

Here is a young rooster showing off his stuff (can you hear the bee-gees singing the "stayin alive" song in background?) and boy does he stand out like a sore thumb in the crowd of cackling hens. Will be the ladies man for sure. Just breaking the 4 month mark and seems they snuck another boy in the batch. I say snuck but really whenever you buy hens from any hatchery they can only guarantee a 90% accuracy rate, unless you buy sex-linked chickens which have distinctly different boy/girl color patterns upon hatch, otherwise you will always risk ending up with a few in the bunch.
Not sure what I'm going to do with him yet. Last one was on craigslist the moment he started testing out his honker.
Unless homeboy starts laying some eggs... hoping someone can swap me a laying hen in exchange for this feathered alarm clock.
He is a Welsummer so he will be a handsome guy - just like the classic one you think of on the Kellog's cornflake box.
We will see what happens, depends on how early he gets up... :)
I can't wait to see our first Praying Mantis, one of my favorite parts of summer's end!