Finally a day that wasn't sweltering! In the garden I could feel the tilt of the earth this week as we shift into the downward spiral of summer. A much welcomed cooler crisp breeze, sun less aggressive and setting earlier, a much needed break from the unrelenting heat! Autumn is my favorite time of year for sure, can't get here too soon!
On the farm major accomplishments were had in a few short days. Thanks to some last minute creative networking with my buddies over at the home depot. Monday morning there was a crew of 3 guys working nonstop on construction - day 1 was handicap ramp...
They were on a roll! 
Day 2 was Ceiling panels and polishing and sealing the slate floor...oh laa laa. 

Day 3 was completing the porch
I came home from work and drove up to see 70 ft. of a wrap around step! Couldn't help walking up and down them - Cartwheels of happiness! Finally its coming together.
And of course a handy place to display a few buckets of flowers!

Zinnias are still going strong mid-August
Well looking forward to lots of happy times on these country porch steps for sure. Gallons of sweet tea to be sipped and pungo sunsets to be watched! (ok now craving some rocking chairs too)
Well that's all for the moment. Now back to more to find a craftsman in pungo to create 5 custom built barn doors. You know the ones... Mr. Ed dutch style with the giant x's in the middle....
With as many horse farms around here shouldn't be too hard to find! :)
Looks great! If you need any help, just ask! Can't wait til the next time we head out there to see it! My short legs appreciate the steps LOL!