Excited that we are hosting a seed/seedling swap here at the farm - April 23rd, 5pm.
This weekend got my hands dirty - Starting seedlings for the stand. Alot of heirloom varieties this year.
Sticking with the technique we used last year - organic soil amendments with old fashioned - soil block method. Only last year I used tiny soil blocks, and this year, will stick to the larger blocks. They give me more wiggle room on the planting date since they have more room to grow.
Have the standard 3-pack seedling trays for the stand.
My little system - once the seeds "hatch"/germinate - under the grow lights and heat mats, they go out to the greenhouse to grow for a few more weeks. My goal is to maintain a steady flow from shelves to greenhouse.
Outside, dumplin was on his own to do list. Well-aged horse manure was delivered to the stand last week and Chris got a chance to till it into the soil before more spring showers started!
He wouldn't admit to it but think he was having alot of fun with this project.
All tilled up and pretty before the plastic rows go in.
All tilled up and pretty before the plastic rows go in.
Things are looking great, can't wait until the seed swap! Will you have plenty of eggs? If you do, I'll pick up a few dozen!