Here is a shot of an experimental plot we are starting this year - it will not have the perfectly made plastic mulch rows, like in the front of the farmstand. Instead - it will have alittle more of a natural look since we will use the chickens to strategically weed the plots. This is experimental because we will have to learn alot - like how big plants have to be so the chickens don't damage the plants and flowers we are growing. Should be interesting since we have to find plants that the girls won't want to nibble on as they eat the bugs and weeds around them.
Chris already tilled it up before the rains started, and another truckload of manure was worked in. Below is a shot of what the idea is: On the right is a green carpet of fresh weeds starting to take over a flower bed. The whole area looked like that, but on the left, is what the girls did in less than 3 days time. 
Our farm mascots - I think they are up for the job!
Speaking of weather, here is a picture of the sweet peas planted last fall. The seeds made it through the cold and are sprouting through the mud and finally taking off. Sweet peas actually thrive in our wet, cool spring temps. Hope they hurry up and bloom - I am craving their soft flowers on my desk at work - it's fun to watch because no one can resist stopping to sniff a vase full of the pastel petals! - Sweet pea flowers are the most romantic and old-fashioned spring flower there is.
Speaking of blooms - spotted the first blossom of a Shasta Daisy. Hard to believe these babies were nothing more than micro-specks of seed last summer - whole lotta daisies on the horizon. They are lush, healthy and huge and ready to bloom! Countdown to the last frost date here, about 2-3 weeks away.