Did a walk around the front acre where I had planted a bunch of parsley and dill for the black swallowtails. Checked on it and realized they were covered with babies!! Butterflies that visit our flowers stop by to lay their eggs on it - and the resulting caterpillars can reduce a parsley plant down to nubs in a matter of a few days. Here are some caterpillars that will turn into the black butterfly that is commonly seen flittering around in our fields.

The new hens are settling in and have gotten some blue eggs already. "Yum"

Buckwheat is ready to til under. This buckwheat is acting as a "green manure" to fertilize the field. Expecting a delivery of 6,000 sunflower seeds in the mail any day now. Planting that next week, more photos of that step by step process to come.
We had a great July meeting of the tidewater beekeepers association. A master gardener gave a presentation about what to plant for your bees. Seems they are most partial to massive quantities of small flowers. Example, if you let your basil go to flower they will adore that. Alot of herbs have tiny flowers that bees get really excited about, like the mints.
Dumpling was motivated to do some photography and get some videos at the entrance of the hive, here he is checking it out, Camera in tow. I will figure out how to post some videos here soon!

Some up close shots of the entrance.
This shot definetly required the bee suit, lol! Some side views, looks like our house is "beeing " taken over! Very Cool.
On a side note, I am drowning in flowers. ! Havent had enough time to even harvest (takes about 3-4 hours minimum to deadhead and cut flowers) so in the last week it has really caught up to me.

I recently learned that 85% of a bees weight, when it returns to the hive, is pollen and nectar.
The girls have been busy.
On a side note, I am drowning in flowers. ! Havent had enough time to even harvest (takes about 3-4 hours minimum to deadhead and cut flowers) so in the last week it has really caught up to me.
Beautiful! I have several pots of parsley that I keep succession planting all over my deck - I call it the "Swallowtail Daycare"! Hubby always would laugh at the pointy sticks I was growing and rotating out for fresh... but they are always covered in caterpillars in different stages, and I can see them from my computer desk so when "something happens" I can holler at the kids to come see! Plus the kids have fun when they find a caterpillar in the veggie garden parsley, they "relocate" it to the daycare facility LOL.