Sunday, April 18, 2010

Busy Bees and Gardeners

Been a busy 2 weeks here at the farm - Hardly have time to blog anymore. At least I can still snap some pictures throughout the week and find a spare moment on Sunday night to upload and type a few notes!Here's dumpling checking the first hive. This was the first time that the hives were inspected since their installation. We have 2 hives and one is doing much better than the other. The hive with the top feeder had about 3-4 frames filled with bees working on making comb. The hive with the bottle feeder had only 1 frame. On the picture below I'm holding the sad little frame that had the only bees in that hive.

The other hive is buzzing with activity.

This is a shot from the more active hive, about 3-4 frames filled with bees.

This is me and dumpling looking to see if the smaller hive had a queen. We found eggs, so we think all is well. Maybe a problem feeding? Not sure why the drastic loss of bees but we will transfer a frame of capped brood from the other hive to help get the smaller hive back to par.

Carefully replacing the frame back in the hive.

Thanks to the TBA - they told us about the tip about gloves - apparenly the best kind are the dishwashing gloves from walmart! (and they had pink :) Even the expert on africanized bees used them, so we know they are A-OK.

Close-up of the happy hive. Both hives have babies!
We got the black frames, so it is easier to see the contrast of the white larvae and egg against the black backdrop.

In addition to working on the honey, we got the first 16 tomato plants is in today - April 18th!!- hope we are in the clear for frost free date!

Potatoes that were planted in late march are starting to pop up.

Hyacinth bean seed hatching...err sprouting! Huge seeds broke the soil blocks. Glad I got this shot because I came back a few hours later and they had already put out their first two leaves and were literally hitting the grow lights. I only had 5 seeds, so planted them at each of the corners of the garden. They will climb all over the fence. I read they can grow up to 1 ft a day when the heat kicks in. After watching the seeds sprout... I believe it.

Cucumbers! Have about 60 of these, so I will be sharing at the plant swap on April 24th.

Here is a picture of the garden after many months of tilling, adding fertilizer and finally making the row hills. It took a crew of us.
Me, Mom, Doodle and Dumpling all slaving away. The weather was quite perfect though. Low 70's so glad this got done before the scorching heat kicks in.

Here is dumpling getting ready to install the drip irrigation.

Mowing season is officially on!! Snapped picture of doodle on the infamous "Big Muddy".

And final picture of the week...You know you are a farmer when...You get a composter for your birthday present and are really excited about it!! This baby is right next to the back door so the leftovers and scraps go right in the tumbler, then right out to the garden.

Happy Spring!!
Gina and Chris

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. Your pics are great. Keep up the good work!

