We made the paper! Mary Reid Barrow highlighted the farms free seed & poultry swap event happening at the farm - in the SUNDAY paper no less... :)

Yes, fellow farmers, brace yourself. I traded my "mud for mascara" briefly for a cover shoot :) haha. Thought it would Only be fitting to Hold my handsome-est New Hampshire Roo for the chicken swap picture. (Photo by Mary Reid Barrow). Here is her write up:
The entire week after the article came out, the phone was ringing off the hook with gardeners and chicken lovers were wanting to attend the swap. Everyone was so exciting to see one hosted here locally in Virginia Beach.
I had no idea what to expect for turnout but with weather looking clear - certainly was hoping for the best. I would never have dreamed of what happened in a few short hours.
Here was a picture of the stand before the swap:

Also was having alot of interest from people looking to come to sign petition to allow city dwellers to have backyard hens. Collected hundreds of signatures. If you would like to sign online click this link! www.virginiabeachchickenoutlaw.com
The chicken swap began promptly at 10:15 as people started walking around to check out the assortment of breeds and tail-gating with their feathered friends.

Love was in the air as Chickens and their new owners were finding each other. This little girl had a box full of stuffed animals for her baby chicks to cuddle with for the ride home.

These two redheads - My friend Liz and a Rhode Island Red hen...fell in love at first sight. It was a proud chicken swap moment :)
Lotsa plants and seed swapping were happening as well. Nothing says spring like daffodils and lil lambs!

Quite the display of handsome roosters were had most- throwing out their best cockle-doodle-do's. My friend and neighbor Melissa went home with this stunning Lavender Orpinton fella.
Even caught a glimpse of a beautiful Heritage breed bunny hopin' around.
Goats and sheep - always a hit.
Little guys - Warming up in the stand under some heat lamps
The baby duckies showed up and stole the show. (Khaki campbell type I believe? They had these precious little webbed feet and were spoken for in the first few minutes). awww babies with babies... what's not to love?

heck...I couldnt be sure but they might have been swapping kids by the pair too! (lol!)

Everyone wanted to show off their feathered friends and I took one look out of the stand and realized what a hit this event really was.
Before the first hour - we had cars stacking up on the road to get into the farm...Estimated 250-300 people were at this free networking event!

Here is a pic of a Polish Rooster raised by a very talented 4-H'er.
What a hairdo - I couldnt say no -This punk rockn roo now adorns my coop!
We lucked out It was chilly but brisk sunny day to enjoy the company of all the attendees and get motivated for spring! Hugs galore. 
All the rent-a-chick kids showed up to pick up their brooder kits and chicks. The new blackboard paint really came in handy for me to write notes on during the chaos and excitement of pickup time.
Throughout the activities - People were filling up the lines - signing the petition to show support for changing the vb ordinance for having backyard hens in Virginia Beach (not roosters though!). I think we made a huge difference in awareness and education at the event...
Funky chickens -
Oh yeah there were more plants and seeds swapped as well! Blackberry canes, garlic bulbs, irises to roses. I had packed 200 seed envelopes of dill and zinnias to pass out but completely ran out within the first half hour! Luckily there were tons of plants and cuttings available.

All in all - The seed and chicken swap was just the type of event I had originally hoped I could host here on farm. Lots of education and networking with like minded individuals who share the same passion for small scale and backyard farming. Haven't stopped thinking of new ideas to prep and improve the event for next year. Pretty sure I wont be able to wait that long! - In June - once the flowers are blooming and chicks are all grown up - there will no doubt be another!

My lil'wayne hanging with melissa's - paul the lil' lamb

It was one of the most rewarding days for me thus far.
Taken so long to get to this point - and so nice to hear all the feedback from all age groups and experience levels. Everyone expressed an interest in having the seed and poultry swap on a regular basis.

Thanks to all the helping hands that pulled this event together. Parking attendants, photographers, greeters, swappers and Mary Reid for the great article. It was a blast!!
how AWESOME!! and you look beautiful. I loved the pictures :) and I loved seeing Sharon. I miss you guys.