Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Week of April

Thought I would pass this along: Its an oragami version of a seed packet, if you are into saving your own seeds!

Been starting seeds all day today. Need to put down the soil blocker and start some dang laundry. Making it a quick post by adding some pics from the weekend. Did get to go to a seed exchange party on Saturday night (from meetup).

Got to meet some fellow gardeners and took a tour of Erins really cool urban homestead garden (she is a follower - and has an awesome blog too ). Thought the making of her own beer was very cool. Dumpling has gently reminded me that we dont need to add any other projects to our rediculously long list of projects, so I will be content by just reading all about it for the time being :) One day though, may-be some wine making too hee hee. Brought some veggie and flower seeds to the party and exhanged for some scarlet runners beans, heirloom beans (dragon's tongue), jeruselum artichoke, a tomato plant, a jalepeno pepper plant, one super nice looking lemon basil plant, and...peanuts!? didnt even think about planting peanuts before! lol. Will give it a try and report back.

Greening of the forest and fields.
Start of our herb garden. Placed right in front of the vegetable patch. So far, lemon balm, rosemary, oregano, lemon basil, italian basil, sage, garlic chives, dill and parsley.

Squash and zuchinni seedlings srarting to take off.

First tomato flowers of the year!! Sweet 100 baby cherry tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool seed packets! I think I will let my kids try them and I won't have to do the work! They are into art and paper airplanes and stuff so they will love it. Peanuts, I know, huh?!! I never thought about it before, but now I guess I will have to find room to try a few! It was so nice to meet you, thanks for the kind words about our little piece of the world here. Our own piece of land in the country is still about 10 years off, so I really enjoy getting my fill of the pictures of your place, everything looks beautiful!
