Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Bee Day!

The day has finally arrived - we have been learning all about bees since Christmas, joined the Tidewater Beekeepers Association, and are ready to start our adventures in beekeeping!

Got our 2 packages of bees delivered Saturday night!!! 6 pounds of bees in total. We fed them a mixture of sugar and water (sprayed it in the box with a spray bottle). Sunday the wind picked up but we decided to go ahead and install the packages so the bees could get aquainted with their new homes.

Here is dumpling installing the packages.

Poured sugar water on them. They were all drinking it up - Too full to fly! also they dont fly when they are wet and sticky.

Knocking the bees out of the box into the new hive.

The hives are tied down because of the wind. Did not want these babies tipping over!!

Chris feeding the bees. Top feeder with rungs so the bees dont drown.

Delicious syrup. Might be all gone in a day or two. We will be back to check on the colony and refill until the nectar flow begins.

Checking on the queen. Yep she's there! Elongated body, bigger than all the other bees. Shes got to lay thousands of eggs in the next few months.

Dumplings masterpiece! We will "bee" back to check on them in a day or two to check on the colony and release the queens.


  1. Wow, regina, I don't know what to say!! I'm so amazed at you guys. It looks so fun and great, and a lot of hard work I bet. I can't wait to see the field of flowers. And I really want to eat the lemon basil...and although I don't want to go by the bees I'll totally drink the honey. :)
    I'm so glad you post all this. its awesome

  2. Welcome to the world of beekeeping. Beautiful setup - nice stand and hives. Feel free to talk with the folks at Tidewater Beekeepers Association if you need any tips.

    VP TBA
