Well...it results in friends making a b-line to the farm.
BFF (best farm friends) Lizzy and her hubby stopped in to say hello...it was fun to watch Dave -massive hulk of a powerlifter dude - melt like butter. With a gush of "aww how cute" - he descended to the ground to get eye level with the little ones. They are instant happiness!
The mini-herd of dwarf nigerian dairy goats consists of 3 girls, 1 boy. Their names are - Kourney, Kloe, Kim and...Lil' Wayne. (well what did you expect.. he's too short to be Lamar!)

All de-horned or dis-budded they can't fight like the real Kardashians though... ahahaha. Their names are kinda fitting since they each demand to be the center of attention. Never knew there was such thing as a "lap goat" but they are so gentle and loveable - Lil'wayne - is by far my favorite. Little man will nibble and tug at your sleeve if you stop petting him for a minute!
Here is Lizzy picking him up for a big hug...
Liz:"He likes my hair, I can hear him sniffing my hair"
Me -"aww his eyes are closing, he's totally relaxing."
Liz "oh-oh he just sighed." Me- "I gotta catch this - he's totally passed out in your hair liz! this kids asleep"

yep tucking the little muffins into the stall tonight was hard to leave..like my own little collection of stuffed animals.
Must be off to bed now too...Tomorrow is fence enforcement 101!
and more pics to come soon. :)