Our rent-a-chicks have been growing like weeds and have been eager to explore the farm. Only thing is we are in prime hawk territory. Since they are still too small to go in the Eggmobile with the hens, we had to think of another structure for them to graduate to - a sort of "middle school" if you will - to protect them from the hawks.
Research always begins with a Joel Salatin book and this time was no exception. We found the perfect solution, a mobile pen that can be pulled along the ground to fresh grass everyday but it has a roof top to prevent hawk attacks! (we tried before using pvc pipe and bird netting. that was a no go! Not strong enough)
The project begins...
All ready to go with a removable triangle top with handles.
Green grass on the way! Best part is there is no litter to clean out, t
Take what most chicken farmers see as a liability (poop) and turn it into an asset (fertilizer)
No clay chicken yard here!
Girls happily and safely exploring their new territory.
Graduation day and already working the soil doing what they were born to do. Hunting, pecking, scratching, pooping, and de-bugging.
This structure is light enough for me to move daily by hand, but strong enough for the critters to stay out.
Happy Hens!
P.s> momma hen is still doing her job! Baby chick pics to come first week of july.. :)