Sunday, February 27, 2011

Preparing For Spring!

Busy getting all the seeds ordered/organized and ready to go. I did manage to save some seeds from our garden last year and am excited to see how they do. Also read a great tip from a fellow blogger about making labels recycled from mini-blinds and created a bunch of those for next to nothing. (my wooden ones from last year did not last long and the writing faded much too quickly!)
Spent a day getting greenhouse prepared for the spring as well by just cleaning house and ready for the season.

Was so thankful for the greenhouse last spring - to really get off to a great start since we started 95% of all our flowers and veggies from seed.
Used another part of a weekend to get all the plastic mulch up from last year. Wasnt hard at all. Was surprised it only took me about 2-3 hours to pull it all up. Here is a shot of dumpling walking the isles and checking to make sure I didn't leave any little pieces behind. I posted an ad on craigslist on a Friday night asking for someone to deliver horse poop to our flower farm. Couldnt believe the reponse we got and one of which was a guy who lives a few houses over from us on our road. Saturday morning he was at our stand delivering 2 dumpsters full of composted horse manure and wood shavings on our front acre. The woodchip and manure mixture had been composting for the last 4 years so its good as gold...Not to mention he had a dump-bed so our backs and entire weekend were saved from having so scoop it in the wheelbarrow! phew - its the little things sometimes that can make a huge difference in quality of your weekend when you are a farmer. LOL! Well as you can tell by the post, it is finally warming up here to go outside and get our hands in the dirt. Here is a Cute pic dumpling made me in the dead of winter while he was away on deployment. It was created on his computer because he wanted to get a glimpse of what the stand will look like this summer! We are getting there!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stand Construction Update

Dumpling completing roofing. Luckily I got to help him with bringing the panels up the ladder to him so he didnt have to climb up and down but so many times. That will wear a person out! Learned that I do not like being up there on the roof - at all - so I kept my two little feet on the ground! Dumpling however, has no fear. The rear view of the stand. My hero. If he can dream it, he can build it. One of the most satisfying parts - finally putting down some decking.

Our porch coming to life :) Grand cathedral entrance
One veggie stand coming to life that can-not wait for some spring time! !!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Announcement: We got Married on the Farm

Jan 29th 2011 - we tied the knot!

We were working like crazy on the vegetable stand roof that Saturday morning. Determined to get the final panels up before the next scheduled rain! Luckily, we managed to finish up just in time to clean up and change into our clean jeans and brush off our boots before the marriage commissioner arrived at the farm.

It was an quiet little ceremony on an unseasonally sunny and warm winter day. Behind the old farmhouse, under the big oak tree, where dumpling proposed - We were married, just me, Chris and the Marriage commissioner. (The hens were in the background so I consider them my bridesmaids, lol). Our rings were from a little jewelry store Chris picked up from his last deployment in Italy. Dumpling has plans to carve our intials and date in a heart on the oak tree.

We made calls to family to let them know about the news and then went to dinner with my parents. That night and they took this pic as proof of our newlywed glow. How romantic ! We have so much hope and excitement for creating our life together on the Farm.