Used another part of a weekend to get all the plastic mulch up from last year. Wasnt hard at all. Was surprised it only took me about 2-3 hours to pull it all up.
Here is a shot of dumpling walking the isles and checking to make sure I didn't leave any little pieces behind.
I posted an ad on craigslist on a Friday night asking for someone to deliver horse poop to our flower farm. Couldnt believe the reponse we got and one of which was a guy who lives a few houses over from us on our road. Saturday morning he was at our stand delivering 2 dumpsters full of composted horse manure and wood shavings on our front acre. The woodchip and manure mixture had been composting for the last 4 years so its good as gold...Not to mention he had a dump-bed so our backs and entire weekend were saved from having so scoop it in the wheelbarrow! phew - its the little things sometimes that can make a huge difference in quality of your weekend when you are a farmer. LOL!
Well as you can tell by the post, it is finally warming up here to go outside and get our hands in the dirt. Here is a Cute pic dumpling made me in the dead of winter while he was away on deployment. It was created on his computer because he wanted to get a glimpse of what the stand will look like this summer! We are getting there!